About Me

Who am I really?

I am a something of an artist in training. I have always had the desire to live as a beatnick, or even just to live off whatever it is I could muster artistically. Sadly, I was never much of a painter, and I cant draw worth a damn. I was blessed with a couple of talents, talents I would love to share with all of you.

First and foremost I am a writer, in every sense of the word. I am the son of two 30 plus year newspaper reporters and the ability to clack on a keyboard is innate. I was first published in the 7th grade by my then Language Arts Teacher, Mrs. Fenton, it was “Manners, the shackles that bind us at the dinner table.” Pretty deep for a kid who has never missed a meal in his life right?

Over the years I have written a couple of novellas and a few short stories, all for the sole benefit of my hard-drive and pretty much no one else. But recently after a massive computer crash I almost lost my recent creation just after it hit the 20,000 word mark. It was then that I realized that it was time to start sharing all of my art with the world.

Writing is not all I do however, soon after I have figured a way to upload the videos, you will see that I am something of a natural drummer. I have only been playing the drums for the better part of 1 year (as of this writing 12/21/11) and I have already played two shows, one of which I was part of the headlining act. All love and respect to my front man who helped make my rockstar-ness possible, Mister Saint Laurent – www.mistersainlaurent.com

Prior to that, I found that something else came naturally to me. I turned out to be quite the proficient leather crafter. A few years back , I had the absolute honor of working for a full-blooded native American, by the name of Seth Turner. This man was a master craftsmen even though he was a few years younger than me. He was able to teach me how to create amazing works of FUNCTIONAL art within a few short months. Be on the look out for photos of my work and future projects.

In my lifetime I have been a Paralegal, a University Professor’s Assistant, Retail Store Manager of 3 different Movie stores, and the biggest the feather in my cap, being an employe of the greatest Comicbook Store in all of Orlando, FL.

Now armed with an incredible graphic designer who is also my good friend, Jesse Long. I have all the tools I need to show you all how great The Art of Ric Susman, can truly be.

Ric Susman

2 comments on “About Me

  1. Quick note from a geezer who knows your folks, your sister, and put up with you during lunch at the Royal Greek once when you were 12! [And missed that award biz by “that much” – see blog: http://jackowensdogwatchyarns.blogspot.com/ ]
    Super tribute to your dad, nice acknowledgement of your mum – and good skewer job on Das Russ! Re: the leather bit. As an additional potential income opportunity, something sybiotic with your interests and skill, have you considered and/or explored book-binding?
    For many years I owned the (antiquarian) Old Book Shop in Palm Beach, and a later version in Lake Worth. A constant request was from people who wanted special books – mostly The Family Bible – rebound. Consequently I hooked up with two bookbinders, both Cockneys from London as it turned out, who made VERY comfortable livings persuing their craft.
    BTW, there is a hand-press outfit based in Lake Worth by a couple of guys who also curate the Jaffe Center for Book Arts at Florida Atlantic University.
    BTW 2 This weekend (March 9-11) is the annual book fair in St Pete…just down the road from you…http://www.floridabookfair.blogspot.com/
    Good luck with your endevour(s) Jack Owen

    • Hello Jack!

      Very wonderful to hear from you and to find out your are reading my ramblings. Thank you so much for the kind words and Ill be adding your link to my rotation of blog visits.

      I actually have considered book binding in the past but it’s not really how Id like to “art” as it were. That is not to say it is a waste of time, where I work one our of best customers is a book binder called “Curious Lure” and he has made TONS of money.

      Thanks again for reading!


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